
What’s the most embarrasing thing I produced in grad school?




Voila! An exercise in Photoshopping excess, this overwrought work is somehow featured on my professor’s webpage, alongside several more impressive tryptychs.
Tryptych Small

Photoshop phiddlings




This image is the result of thirty-some minutes spent absentmindedly fiddling around in Photoshop, testing filters and looking for the perfect orange hue.

You! Me! Dancing!

Art, Family, Music



My wife and I celebrated our wedding anniversary yesterday, and the occasion motivated me to consider the many-numbered reasons why I’m thankful to have Pam as my partner.

Among the top reasons, I’m semi-ashamed to admit, is her willingness to tolerate — and sometimes even participate in — my half-baked schemes.

I’ve included the image at left as visual evidence of my wife’s good-sportedness. (Click on the image to view a larger version in a separate window.) For a project connected to my grad studies at DePaul, I needed to create a concert poster for a Los Campesinos concert at The Empty Bottle in Chicago. I had it in my head that I wanted the poster to feature a woman striking an empowered pose, so I asked Pam if she’d be willing to don sunglasses and a tank-top and be photographed while pulling back the string on an imaginary archer’s bow.

She’s a strong-willed and highly intelligent person, but she neither paused nor groused when I made this peculiar request. Pam went along with it, and it ended up being a fun and memorable experience for both of us. She didn’t even complain when I Photoshopped “You! Me! Dancing!” — the title of one of the band’s more popular songs — on her arm.

Is the poster representative of great design work? No. But it is an excellent visual representation of my wife’s willingness to humor me.

Thanks for tolerating and participating, Pam. And happy anniversary.